Anti Christ means "Instead of Christ" or "In place of Christ"
(Greek, anti = "instead of" or "in place of")
Norbert Kox's Apocalyptic Surrealism
Apocalypse House Homepage
The whole world is being duped
"All the World Wondered after the Beast" (Rev.13:3). Satan has duped the people of the world into mistranslating and distorting the Word of God, to create a false gospel, a false image of the Saviour, and a false name: the mark of the Beast (Rev. 13:18). The Devil said "I will be like the Most High." He is the imitation God, and the "idol shepherd".

Jesus the Antichrist: Who Changed God's Name? (WARNING).


This is not a hate site. It is a site that challenges traditions and exposes falsehoods. This site is not anti-christ. This site does not present anti-Catholic material. It presents factual information. It exposes counterfeits and dupes in regard to religious and biblical interpretation, whether Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Moslem, Hindu, Buddhist, Athiest, Satanist, New Age, or any other religion, non-religion, or philosophy.
Gustave Dore, 1865
Leon Lhermitte, 1892
Leon Lhermitte, 1892
Warner Sallman, 1924
Warner Sallman, 1940
Warner Sallman, 1940
"...Plucking Corn on the Sabbath"
"Friend of the Humble" [Emmaus]
"Son of Man"
"Friend of the Humble" [Emmaus]
"Head of Christ"
"Head of Christ"
Although Warner Sallman admired the works of Gustave Dore, he chose not to copy his rendition of Christ, rather he chose to plagiarize [some say "appropriate"] the work of a relatively unknown French painter, Leon Lhermitte [pronounced, Lair-meet]. It is not so much an issue that he copied, but rather that he did not credit the source. He claimed that he received the image in a heavenly vision directly from God. This validated his image with the public, especially church-goers. Since the image came in a divine vision from God, it must be the true portrait of Christ. Using his commercial art tricks and hs advertising tactics, Sallman was able to mass market his product to the world. His 1940, "Head of Christ" sold over 1,000,000 copies in the first year. By 1984 it had sold over half a billion copies. By 2003, Sallman's "Head of Christ" had been reproduced more than a billion times. No other image has ever aquired such a track record. Most people who see the image believe it is a true picture of Christ.
The whole world is being duped